Spring Tips For You And Your Home

Spring Tips For You And Your Home

Posted by Alex Greenan on 15th Apr 2013


Spring has finally arrived! Okay so the temperature is only just above 10°C, but you have to take your victories wherever you can get them.

Spring is fantastic time to make changes to your lifestyle and to your home. It's also a good time re-try or re-think your failed new years resolutions (it's OK, we literally all did it!). We can't make you go to the gym, but we CAN give you a few tips to give home an energising, relaxing and colourful injection of spring!

FRESH FLOWERS- Fresh flowers are a great way to symbolise the growth and life of spring within the home. As long as you keep them in fresh water, your flowers can last over a week. Natural, pastel coloured flowers such as tulips are beautiful and non-expensive. Some supermarkets sell flowers which are coloured with dye; avoid that in order to create a more natural environment.

SPRING CLEAN- I know, I know. It can actually be really satisfying to throw out all of the junk you don't need, and to clean the awkward corners which you might not always get to. A tidy home is a tidy mind!

GREEN FINGERS- Now might be a pretty good time to make  a start on your garden. If you do some of the less exciting jobs (weeding etc) now, then you'll be able to fully enjoy your outdoor space once Summer truly hits. WHICH IT WILL.

SAY NO TO THE SNOOZE BUTTON- One of the worst parts of deepest, darkest winter is how difficult it is to wake up in the morning. Many of us find ourselves calculating the exact minimum time it takes to get ready, just to gain another 7 minutes sleep. You may have forgotten, but that big yellow thing in the sky is the best alarm clock around. If possible, set your alarm earlier than normal; the sun will have already started to wake you, so it shouldn't be too hard to wake up. More time in the morning will give you time to gather your thoughts, and has been proven to increase productivity throughout the day!

Good luck, and feel free to send in your own suggestions!