5 New Year's Resolutions for House and Home

5 New Year's Resolutions for House and Home

Posted by Alex Greenan on 14th Jan 2015


Happy new year from all at 4 Living! New year's resolutions tend to polarise people; some love them some hate them. One benefit to making new year's resolutions is that they at least get you thinking about what you might liek to improve or achieve. To make the process even easier for you, we've put together a list of 10 new year's resolution for house and home. If you only stick to just one of these, your home will benefit greatly.

1. Don't wait until spring to spring clean! - The weather is less than desirable at the moment. and it's only going to get colder and more miserable. Make the most of being stuck inside by giving your house a good old fashioned spring clean. Get in behind all of the furniture, under the beds, the lot. If you think about it, it seems absurd to wait uintil the weather improves to do all of your indoor chores!

2.Minimize clutter - I don't usually agree with old sayings, but "tidy home, tidy mind" couldn't be more true. As we start the year, we go through the chilly months of January and February. The darkness and cold can be difficult psychologically, but you can give your home a big atmospheric boost. Removing clutter from surfaces will clear your peripheral vision and, by extension, your mind.

3.Remove the 'tipping point'- The 'tipping point' is a term i coined to refer to as the the point at which a home goes from relatively tidy to relatively cluttered. This usually occurs when your storage solutions and cleaning routines don't quite work together. Try storing things which you use infrequently in places such as your loft, garage or any other sepearated storage areas; this will free up more useful storage space, ensuring it is always to hand.

4.Write a list of things you'd like to get done in your home - Everyone has their different goals for their home. they can be as simple as re-oiling wooden furniture or as ambitious as building an extension on your home. Whatever your aims are, make sure you write them down. You'd be surprised just how quickly another year flies by. Writing everything down is the first step towards actually doing it!

5.Prioritise Seating and Leisure - As has already been eluded to, winter is a very 'indoorsy' time of year. There might be the odd pleasant, sunny day but you're probably going to be spending most of your free time indoors. If you are even slightly thinking about investing in new living room seating, the time is now. If you're going to spend dozens of nights in watching films and TV, you'd just as well do it in style. Season 3 of House of Cards comes out at the end of Februrary, so you still have plenty of time to catch up on Netflix! Perfect for those miserable winter evenings.